A very nice poem...
You are very talented!
Pure art, is all I can think of saying!!
A very nice poem...
You are very talented!
Pure art, is all I can think of saying!!
OMG!! Does it ever stop??
I sure dosen't hope so!
This is fantastic!!
The guy in the end, totally cracked me up!!
HA ha ha!!!
Keep it up!
Final Fantasy... Amazing!!
This... was great!
Eccellent artwork!
And the music had a very catchy tune!!
Great great!
Heh! In fact I downloaded the audio, Cause That song is ringing in my head now!!
Holy shit!!!
Oh my god!!!
That was amazing! Your humor smacked me right in the face!!!
The part with the monkey nearly killed me!
This is good...
...But I liked part 2 better!
This is still a great movie... no doubt about that!
You did a great job with this series... Well done!
OMG! That was so well-animated!!
This one is better than part 1!
U gotta love this series!!
It's a me - Mario!!
That was... not bad... not bad at all!
I like the idea of using Mario in a Matrix-like-movie!!
So so so good!!
I'm off to part 2 now!
Not too bad, nor too good either...
Actually This movie confused me quite a bit!!
It was pretty wierd!!
But keep working on it!
You'll get better as time goes by!!
Very very well-made!
Age 39, Male
Joined on 1/21/03